Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Insecure Writers Support Group - March 6, 2024

 March? Really?
It's the first Wednesday of the month and only the lucky few know what that means!


IWSG was created to provide a safe haven for writers to air their concerns and fears without appearing foolish or weak. All skill levels are welcome, from published authors to those like myself, that enjoy creating but have not acquired the courage to release their work to the masses.

A big thank you to Alex J. Cavanaugh is in order. He created this group long ago and has continued to support writer's in their quest to achieve writing success, no matter how big or small.

I would also like to thank the awesome co-hosts for this months addition.

Each month, a question is presented to the group and those that don't mind answering provide insight on the topic being addressed. Answering the question is always optional.

Today's question: Have you "played" with AI to write those nasty synopses or do you refuse to go that route? How do you feel about AI's impact on creative writing?

Back in October 2023, a similar question was asked on the topic of AI. My answer has not changed but if you would like, you can travel back in time to here!

If you get tired of the droning, feel free to skim through this or abandon it altogether. I completely understand.

I do not like the idea of substituting human thinking with artificial intelligence. We have become so horribly dependent on technology in society, as a whole, that we have abandoned the need to perform basic skills. I do not mean to downplay the importance of the internet and advancements in technology, but do not want to think about a future where our ability to create is replaced by something artificial. I can see how AI might assist in sparking an idea if you are in throws of a brain fart and cannot conjure up an idea naturally, but in order to complete a work, it should always include good old fashioned brain power and human emotion. At birth, we were given the innate ability to think and create using our minds. Science tells us that we only use ten percent of our brain on average. Imagine the possibilities if we were able to increase that percentage by only five percent. The internet was created by the human mind and almost all other advancements throughout history were as well.

I should probably tinker around with AI to be more informed but I don't wanna!

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the BLUE pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the RED pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes!"

Thank you Morpheus, RED pill please!

P.S...You will see a of months worth of posts in April if you venture back.
I am going to participate in the A to Z Challenge, which was created by Arlee Bird long ago. I'll be entering the fray for the first time in years. If you haven't already, click the link and join. It's a blast!
This years theme will be revealed on March 10, 2024. I hope to see you all there.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And the less we have to think, the dumber we'll all become...
Good luck with the Challenge!

ib said...

Alex, I agree. Thanks for stopping by. Take good care my friend.