Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Insecure Writer's Support Group - October 2, 2023


It is time, yet again, for the monthly installment of The Insecure Writer's Support Group. On the first Wednesday of every month, those that have signed up for the blog hop have an opportunity to talk candidly about the writing journey without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those that have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It is a safe haven for writer's of all kinds.

First and foremost, a big thank you is in order to the group's founder, Alex J Cavanaugh and the co-hosts for the October posting: Natalie Aguirre, Kim Lajevardi, Debs Carey, Gwen Gardner, Patricia Josephine and Rebecca Douglass.

Today's Question: The topic of AI writing has been heavily debated across the world. According to various sources, generative AI will assist writers, not replace them. What are your thoughts?

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

I'll be honest. I am not sure that I like the thought of writing derived by artificial intelligence. I do not have any experience with it and I don't plan on giving it a roll. I understand what it is but do not know much about it. We are so dependent on technology that it seems like we are straying away from what makes the art so incredible. Knowing that a story or imaginary world has been completely created by the human mind is why I enjoy reading, writing and watching. I simply cannot fathom how Stephen King's mind works. I would think less of his creativity if I found out he used AI. To find out that Middle Earth was created by something other than Tolkien's imagination would be a buzz kill. The world he created while writing The Hobbit and LOTR is absurd to think about. Same goes for Robert Jordan and The Wheel of Time. The sheer amount of information in these series is mind boggling. I can understand why it could be helpful in certain area's but don't like the idea of it being used as a substitute for human creativity.

If you are new to this site, welcome! Drop a comment if you agree or disagree with my take. I would like a chance to understand your thoughts on the topic of AI.

Not sure why, but as I was trying to answer this question, Ben Harper's song, With My Own Two Hands was reverberating in my mind so, I'll leave you with it. Enjoy!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well put! AI isn't creative - it only regurgitates what it knows or finds online.

ib said...

Alex, I agree. With writing, we use the creative side of our mind. That is a God given ability that cannot be replicated by a computer. I can see where AI could assist with sparking an idea but after that, it is our imagination that thinks up the rest.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I agree. AI isn't creative like humanity. We still have an edge. Maybe that edge is more about quirky uniqueness than anything else, but I still think it makes a huge difference. :)

Gwen Gardner said...

You make excellent points. Having tested ChatGpt, though, I don't think it's going to replace any writer. It doesn't understand nuance and the writing sounds like its speaking English as a second language.

I'm Gwen, co-hosting today for the IWSG: https://gwengardner.blogspot.com/

ib said...

Tyrean, imagination cannot be generated artificially, IMO. Even AI is designed by a live, flesh and blood person. I believe that human thinking is inherently flawed. That means that our ideas have flaws also.

Gwen, thanks for stopping by and for co-hosting! I am not familiar with ChatGpt. Guess I'll need to do a little research. I'll swing by your site when time permits. Stop by again if you feel so inclined. Things around here will start getting much more interesting now that the bad stuff is out and life is normalizing.

Liza said...

Agreed that AI can’t take the place of our humanity. Let’s hope it stays that way.

ib said...

Liza, I agree. I hope that AI is a "flash in the pan" type scenario but the people will find ways to abuse it.