Monday, October 02, 2023

Good Days Ahead

 Hello all! It has been a few weeks since I have had an opportunity to post. Life has been busy! While I have had time to check out a few new blogs from IWSG and comment on those that I had already followed, I have been stuck in neutral as it pertains to my own writing. (I will touch on this a bit later.) It hasn't been because of a lack of motivation, just a lack of disposable time. And while this excuse works for me, it was just steamrolled by Elizabeth S. Craig and her piece on the IWSG main page about setting aside fifteen minutes a day to write so, I did. This is what I came up with.

During the past six months, I have experienced many changes. All of you that have tuned in since my return know the story. Having to navigate a different path than I thought I'd be on has been interesting, to say the least. I have settled in to my new norm and it isn't as frightening as I thought it would be. I was not a fan of change before but realize now, that when your plans get derailed, things don't end horribly every time. There will always be something to look forward to. So, in this time of acceptance and growth, I carry that lesson forward. Happiness is mine for the taking but I will need to take it. The immortal words of Shannon Hoon ring true: "Cause when you stop dreamin' it's time to die." This lyric alone provides a  profound look in to my current mind state. Before, I had lived in the past and while trying to figure out the "why's", it didn't dawn on me that I was missing out on the present. I wanted it to magically go away with medication. That ended up not working out so well. Throughout life, we walk through the fire and we lose loved ones but we need to move forward in their honor. Not a single person that I've lost would want me to stay stationary in sadness. I can't afford to keep mourning loss. My daughter can't afford it either. "Get busy living or get busy dying!." (Just a little Shawshank reference) So, if I have experienced the worst that this life has to offer and I am still "upright and breathing." (Thanks Corey!) I'll take it!

Now, for the writing thing. Back in 2012ish, I came up with the idea of a story I wanted to tell. I had no experience and had no direction. I simply started tapping away on the keys. After having written a prologue and a chapter or so, I scrapped the writing idea entirely. Over the years, I did miss it and at random times, I would look at the old blog and think, "I should get back in to this." I never acted on my will to do so until recently. During the stories first days, I blindly started writing and it was fun but I quickly realized that I had no plot, no real cast of characters, no twists and no real sense of direction. I was just writing. All of these thoughts hit me smack dab in the tenders and I stopped. I kept up with the blog for a short time but soon after this epiphany, I stopped that also. I am not sure I will ever do more than this and that is okay. I know my original idea is limited. I will never be Stephen King or Tolkien and I get it but it doesn't mean I should stop. Just enjoy the process of creativity and let her rip. Maybe, if I just write like I used to, things will come together, but if not, I will live on. I have taken a break from The War West and started tinkering in poetry and song writing again. Both are some of favorite things to do. When I am comfortable with sharing those things, I'll add some here and see what you all think.

This past weekend, I experienced a weird and unexpected blast from the past and I wanted to share. Saturday, I golfed with my brother in law, my oldest nephew and his buddy, which is like another nephew really. He's been around the family for a long time. But after the outing, we stopped in at the local bar for a couple of beers and a bite. I came to find out that an old band that I used watch back in my early twenties were playing at the exact place I was at. I had no idea. So instead of going home early, I stayed and watched. I am so glad I did. I loved the local music scene in Fort Wayne, IN back then and these dudes were some of my favorites to go see live.

Allow me to introduce The Wailhounds performing Rickety Ol' Ford. I hope you enjoy!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Live or die - there is no in between.
Elizabeth's piece was really good.And you should just enjoy writing for you. That's why we all write in the first place.

ib said...

Alex, I agree wholeheartedly. Living life well is my focus now. I hope all is well with you and yours.

Emma said...

I've had similar experiences when revisiting old story ideas. They seemed so solid at the time. But life experience has shown me just how incomplete and weak they were - the musings of someone who didn't know any better.

Our culture pushes us to be "the next big thing." It's exhausting and frustrating and discouraging. It detracts from what goodness we could produce because "good" isn't "great" or "best" - and that's unacceptable. But here's the truth: If we put out good, such as it is, then that actually is a pretty great thing. Especially when the world is hellbent on tossing grenades of negativity in our paths.

Keep on doing what you're doing. We don't know what we're really called to do until we try an assortment of opportunities. :-)

ib said...

Emma, I will admit up front, I do not like second guessing myself. I did that for far too long. I'm done with that. That is even more magnified now. I don't have time to dance around who I am. If people do not like what I have to say, so be it. That is a "them" problem. I am learning to not be afraid of who I am and the people that do not like it will learn to either deal or ditch. I do not care which way they decide to go. I may have 25 more good years left, if God blesses me with that much time and I have decided that during the time I have left, I will no longer dance. He crafted me from dirt, to be a unique creation, flaws and all and I will return to dirt. I'll not take any of this with me so while I am here, people will feel me. Again, thanks for stopping in. You are always a welcomed presence here. Take care of yourself and the ones you love.