Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Insecure Writer's Support Group - August 2, 2023


My, how time fly's. It is once again time to post for The Insecure Writer's Support Group.

I would be remiss if I did not thank Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group. I have gained so much good information and support during the short time I have been a part of this unbelievable collection of creatives. I simply cannot thank those that have looked in and shared in this journey enough. I am still weaving my way around, introducing myself to those on the list and eventually, I will get through the whole thing.

Co-hosts this month are Kate Larkindale, Diane Burton, Janet Alcorn and Shannon Lawrence.

I have not been able to write much over the last week because I was away on vacation with the family but things are getting back to normal. I plan on visiting more of you on the list, all while adding to my little story.

August 2, 2023 question: Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out or rewrite it?

To be honest, I experience conflict while crafting every post. It is not easy for me to put myself out there for everyone to see (read).  I am constantly typing and deleting and rewriting again, looking for the perfect words to describe my current feelings, whatever they may be. Each piece I create produces a certain amount of stress internally because sometimes, I need to rehash some hurtful memory or circumstance that I would rather not think about. I want the reader to feel my experience. This blog tells my personal story. The mess and all things that come along with it, good and bad.

The same goes for my short story, The War West. I constantly delete and rewrite because I do not want to offend anyone. This may be my story's undoing because it is going to be impossible to complete without rustling some feathers. I guess I will need to deal with negativity when it comes my way. 

Cheers to twelve years!! I remember when this group was in it's infancy, way back. I missed so much during my years in the void. I pray that the group continues with the much need support for years to come. It is truly a blessing.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Someone will always be offended. Just write the story the way it needs to be told.
I don't share much personal stuff online either. My view on the world is in the minority online so I keep it to myself.

ib said...

Alex, I will continue regardless and I know that there will be detractors. My worldly view is very different from the masses and I hold a good amount back in almost every post. I share glimpses into my world but it has been said, "there is always more to the story." Thanks for stopping by. I am always appreciative that you take time to check in. Take care.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Alex wrote: be true to yourself and you will rest easier. Like you and Alex, my worldview is in the minority, too. I am comforted that few read my books so that there will be little uproar. :-)

But like Alex mentioned: keeping personal beliefs to the minimum will lower the blood pressure of those who seem always on the lookout to be outraged. Still, what we believe will filter through into what we write.

Best of luck with your writing. Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)

Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm not a fan of sharing about myself either, but realized long ago that opening myself up can lead to great connections. Then again, I've also been burned when opening up, so win some, lose some, I guess.

ib said...

Roland, I agree wholeheartedly. I also have come to realize that there are droves of writers that separate fact from fiction and can create an entire world, separate from their own. At this point, I am not one of them. Maybe in time, that will change. For now, I have my worldview and that will suffice.

Shannon, this blog was created, many years ago, for one purpose. I wanted to shed light on some things that were looked at as having weakness. Very few understand and even less care. I post as an outlet. It has transformed into something different entirely. Many of the bloggers I followed before were caught in their own struggle but somehow, I found a part of me that I did not know existed. The creative part. That is a good thing. Thanks for stopping in.

authorjessa said...

Readers pick up on what's genuine. I try to be as open as possible, even in fiction, so I never lose that sense of authenticity. I find that in the writing I end up regretting, I've held back in some way. Thank you for sharing your story here.

ib said...

Jessa, if this story is anything, it will be genuine. I am trying to fictionalize the entire thing but my personal views will undoubtedly seep through. I appreciate you checking in. It is the small number of you that comment that keep me engaged and willing to keep posting. Thank you!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Use writing those painful things here as therapy. I have a five-book series that I dealt with some of my own stuff in the process of writing it.

ib said...

Diane, that is the intention of this blog, at least it was when I first began posting. It has been a place for me shed those unwanted layers in attempt to find my true self. I am finding that those who look in from time to time help in both aspects, real life and the writing part. I feel like an infant in the writing game but looking back, I see that there was always a desire to give it a go, even if I am very bad at it. Thanks for stopping by. Take care.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

ib, we are all infants in the writing and living world. We are slowly born from moment to moment. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog again, Roland

ib said...

Roland, you are most welcome. I appreciate the encouragement and kind words you always offer. Take good care my friend.